OBVIATE - traducción al árabe
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OBVIATE - traducción al árabe



اِتَّقَى ; اِجْتَنَبَ ; بَعُدَ عَنْ : تَجَنَّبَ ; تَجَنَّبَ ; تَحَاشَى ; تَفَادَى ; تَلَافَى ; تَوَقَّى

فِعْل : يتحاشى . يتفادى . يتجنّب
تحاشي، تدارك


(obviates, obviating, obviated)
To obviate something such as a problem or a need means to remove it or make it unnecessary. (FORMAL)
The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice...
Ejemplos de pronunciación para OBVIATE
1. can complete obviate that system.
Crypto 101 _ Ben Yu & Simar Mangat _ Talks at Google
2. of watertight conclusions which now obviate you
Embracing Paradox _ Frank Schaeffer _ Talks at Google
3. is a long term sighted solution that will obviate
Crypto 101 _ Ben Yu & Simar Mangat _ Talks at Google
4. and it's able to in some way obviate
Why Information Grows _ Cesar Hidalgo _ Talks at Google
5. is that to obviate the problem of nitrogen narcosis --
Ejemplos de uso de OBVIATE
1. Nothing my mother or grandparents told me could obviate that single, unassailable fact.
2. The tunnel will obviate the need to obtain Palestinian agreement for the pipe.?
3. For many, that would obviate ethical concerns about destroying it to get its stem cells.
4. Also, proper treatment of wastewater would obviate the need for desalination facilities.
5. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer for Time, said Time‘s move should obviate the need for Mr.